Wake Beginning Teacher Leadership Network kicked off its 2018-2019 sessions with a great opportunity to dive in and network!

We began our night with some yummy pizza catered by Papa Murphy’s and the room was buzzing with teacher’s checking in about how the school year has started for them.

For the formal programming, we began with a quick history lesson about Wake BTLN and EdNC.

We then transitioned into my favorite part of the evening—networking. We were able to speak with a variety of WCPSS stakeholders and connect and mingle. There were preset questions we could discuss in case conversation lulled, but conversation didn’t once lull!

The test of a good teacher is not how many questions (s)he can ask the students that they will answer readily, but how many questions he inspires them to ask that (s)he finds hard to answer.
–Alice Wellington Rollins

We spoke about advocating for our students: what that looks like and how we can be the best advocates for the young minds we interact with on a daily basis. In true teacher form, we had protocols that helped us stir the room and get to know new people.

There was never a moment that this group was uninviting. We had great conversations about advocating and next steps! I look forward to doing the work with Wake BTLN!

Bria Wright
5th Grade ELA/Social Studies
Hortons Creek Elementary School

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