
WakeEd Partnership Launching Community School Supply Drive July 12th 

Collected items will stock the shelves at Tools4Schools, WakeEd’s Free Classroom Supply Store for Teachers  RALEIGH, N.C. — WakeEd Partnership (WakeEd), a business-backed nonprofit organization committed to supporting staff and students in the Wake County Public...

WakeEd Partnership Announces 2023 Stars of Education Honorees 

Tom Bradshaw to receive Vernon Malone Friend of Education Award, Six New Inductees Join Wake County Public Schools Hall of Fame   RALEIGH, N.C. — WakeEd Partnership (WakeEd), a business-backed nonprofit organization committed to supporting teachers and students in...

WakeEd Partnership and Wake County Public Schools Kick Off Summer Career Pathways Program 

RALEIGH, N.C. — Career Accelerator, WakeEd Partnership’s career pathways summer program developed in partnership with Wake County Public Schools, kicks off today - Tuesday, June 20 – and runs through Wednesday, June 28. Nearly 500 rising 10th – 12th graders will...

Triangle Leaders Join WakeEd Partnership Board of Directors; Emma Browning of Paradox Consulting Partners Elected Board Chair

RALEIGH, N.C. — WakeEd Partnership (WakeEd), a business-backed nonprofit organization that supports public schools in Wake County, announced today that Emma Browning, Managing Director of Paradox Consulting Partners, has been elected Chair of its Board of Directors....

WakeEd Partnership Awards Scholarships to Local Student Athletes

Scholarships Totaling $12,500 Given to Students from Apex High School and Green Hope High School   RALEIGH, N.C. — WakeEd Partnership (WakeEd), a business-backed nonprofit organization committed to supporting teachers and students in the Wake County Public School...

Investor Spotlight: BASF

For innovation to happen, we need people who understand our customers’ needs and challenges, as well as the ability to use creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, and STEM training to come up with solutions for our current and future needs.

WakeEd Wednesdays

WakeEd Wednesdays is a video series produced to simplify many of the complexities of North Carolina’s largest school district, the Wake County Public School System. With more than 180 schools, 160,000 students, and 11,000 teachers, WCPSS has a major impact on all Wake County residents regardless of whether they have children enrolled in the schools.

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Why Grade-Level Reading Matters

Why Grade-Level Reading Matters

Being able to read on grade-level by the third grade can change a child’s life. For five years, WakeEd Partnership’s Partners Read program has placed mentors into Wake County Public Schools to read with developing first and second grade students and has provided...

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Investor Spotlight: UNC REX Healthcare

Investor Spotlight: UNC REX Healthcare

For 125 years, UNC REX Healthcare has provided expert care to Wake County and surrounding areas. Our mission to inspire hope, improve health and heal communities is at the heart of what we do every day. UNC REX understands its role in being a leader in health and...

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Kathy Hartenstine Memorial Fund Established

Kathy Hartenstine Memorial Fund Established

WakeEd is honored to announce the Kathy Hartenstine Memorial Fund to support childhood literacy through the Partners Read program. Kathy was a lifelong educator, dedicating more than 35 years to Wake County Public School System as a teacher and principal. Committed to...

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Intern Profile: Hannah Naylor

Intern Profile: Hannah Naylor

Hi, I’m Hannah Naylor, a senior at Meredith College majoring in Mass Communication and Public Relations, with minors in Professional Writing and Presentation Media, and Sociology. While at Meredith I have served in leadership positions with Lambda Pi Eta Honor...

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September 2018 BTLN Kickoff

September 2018 BTLN Kickoff

Wake Beginning Teacher Leadership Network kicked off its 2018-2019 sessions with a great opportunity to dive in and network! We began our night with some yummy pizza catered by Papa Murphy’s and the room was buzzing with teacher’s checking in about how the school year...

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Three Ways to Improve North Carolina School Report Cards

Three Ways to Improve North Carolina School Report Cards

The recent release of the North Carolina public school performance report cards is a timely reminder that school grading is here to stay, so our state has a responsibility to make sure the formula is adequate and the grading system is equitable. North Carolina’s...

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Investor Spotlight: BASF

Investor Spotlight: BASF

We encourage other businesses to partner with WakeEd and join in our effort to continue to provide the best possible education in Wake County. It truly takes a village and we all have a stake in our future.

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Learning to Treasure Wild Ducks with IBM

Learning to Treasure Wild Ducks with IBM

There is a saying, “treasure your wild ducks,” meaning value the outside-the-box thinkers and those who will try new things to push the envelope.  IBM strives to live by this philosophy as they implement Agile and Design Thinking.

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Realizing Solutions with Plexus

Realizing Solutions with Plexus

Have you ever wondered where the Coke Freestyle machines at Wendy’s and Five Guys come from? Turns out they were partially designed by the company who hosted our first immersion day for elementary, Plexus.

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SummerSTEM Day Five: Wrapping it All Up

SummerSTEM Day Five: Wrapping it All Up

Takeaways were numerous when discussed today, and several themes stood out during reflection. The message from businesses during immersion days was a desire for both businesses and schools to form partnerships.

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SummerSTEM Day Four: Tapping Into the Grid

SummerSTEM Day Four: Tapping Into the Grid

What is “the grid”? While we talk about “the grid” all the time, and hear about it in the news, we are often unaware of the true meaning. During one SummerSTEM group’s day two of immersion, which I was able to join, educators teamed up with ABB to learn more.

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SummerSTEM Day Three: Chasing Learning

SummerSTEM Day Three: Chasing Learning

Circuits, and 3D printers, and pharmaceuticals, oh my! Today, SummerSTEM partnered with Wake Technical Community College to understand more about some of the careers for which Wake Tech helps prepare students.

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SummerSTEM Day One: What’s Your Why?

SummerSTEM Day One: What’s Your Why?

What’s your why? This question is of vital importance in the education sphere and arguably in every business and industry. It drives every teacher and every student, whether known or unknown.

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WakeEd Partnership Expands Board of Directors

WakeEd Partnership Expands Board of Directors

WakeEd’s impact would not be possible without the support and leadership from WakeEd’s Board of Directors. This group of local leaders provides expertise, perspective, and a passion for public education that drives our organization forward. That is why we are excited to introduce nine new members, who have joined the Board of Directors in 2018.

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Four NC Communities Receive National Honors for Literacy Initiatives

Four NC Communities Receive National Honors for Literacy Initiatives

The national Campaign for Grade-Level Reading (CGLR) is recognizing four North Carolina communities for measurable progress on key indicators of early school success.  Read Charlotte in Mecklenburg County; Chatham Reads in Chatham County; Growing Moore Readers of Moore County and WAKE Up and Read in Wake County reported progress in 2017 for children from low-income families toward at least one CGLR indicator: school readiness, school attendance or summer learning.

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Investor Spotlight: Martin Marietta

Investor Spotlight: Martin Marietta

Undeniably, education is a critical building block in any community foundation. Highly effective teachers equipped with the skills and technology needed to optimally develop our students into future leaders, engaged business civic-minded people and a well-informed citizenry are necessary for community improvement and growth. WakeEd promotes this mission in the Wake County community and Martin Marietta is proud to partner in its efforts.

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Live from the 2018 Education Policy Summit

Live from the 2018 Education Policy Summit

The Wake County Beginning Teacher Leadership Network (BTLN) is a teacher-led young professionals network that aims to empower and retain beginning teachers in the Wake County Public School System. This week, Christina Spears and America Moreno represented BTLN at the...

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 WakeEd Partnership

  3101 Industrial Drive, Suite 100

  Raleigh, NC 27609 | (919) 821-7609

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WakeEd Partnership

3101 Industrial Drive, Suite 100

Raleigh, NC 27609 | (919) 821-7609