On Tuesday night, the 2016-17 Student Enrollment Proposal was approved by the school board.

The plan moves approximately 3,300 students, or roughly two percent of the student population.  According to a WCPSS Media Advisory, about half of those students will be eligible to grandfather at their current schools.  A list of ways the proposal has changed throughout the feedback process is available for review.

The moves will help open and fill five new schools opening for the 2016-2017 school year.  It will also help alleviate overcrowding at additional schools.

WCPSS is the fifteenth largest school district in the US with almost 158,000 students.  It consistently grows by thousands of new students each year.  The 2016-2017 Student Enrollment Plan is part of a multi-year approach to student enrollment.  The district opened three new schools this school year, and will open an additional thirteen schools in the next three years.

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