Education in 2030

There’s a good chance that the careers today’s 4-year-olds will have don’t exist now, but when they graduate high school in 2030, they will need to possess the skills of those careers regardless.   “(The future) will require more than just a multiple choice...

Meet Our Investors: Easter Maynard, ChildTrust Foundation

Think back to the first time you read a book on your own. Then recall the first book you really loved, maybe devouring it in one day or rereading it year after year. Now imagine you’d never had those experiences, never learned to read at a level that enabled you to...

Your Next Employee Is In Middle School

Think of your career ten years from now. You’ve received a promotion or two, increased your salary by more than 25 percent and now you’re in the corner office. You use your internal talent to steer your company to success. An internal talent force that will be...

WakeEd Insight – May Edition

It’s funny to think about ending something in May. We’re almost halfway through the calendar year, but, like many businesses, our fiscal year is coming to a close. As we look at spreadsheets and calculate numbers for next year, we also have to look back and ask...

Meet Our Investors: BB&T

My name is Gray Reed and I serve as the Triangle Region President for BB&T, a 144-year old North Carolina based financial services company that operates in 15 States and DC. I graduated from Broughton High School in 1979, along with my wife, and we have two...