The WCPSS Board of Education voted to approve a capping plan for Enloe High for the 2015-2016 school year. The cap is for the number of base assigned students to Enloe High, and will not impact the number of magnet seats. Base students capped out of Enloe High will...
The ice and snow may have kept you indoors for a few days for each of the last two weeks. Did you find any extra children’s books around your house? Order any extra from Amazon? The WAKE Up and Read Book Drive has been extended until March 16th! Collection sites...
The WCPSS school board met for their winter budget retreat on Saturday, February 14. The meeting featured a barbershop quartet, casual conversation, and weekend jeans. It also provided a look inside how the school board may approach the coming budget building...
For reviewing budget priorities with the Board of Education, Chief Finance Officer David Neter put together cost estimates for consideration. We thought you’d be interested in seeing what some prioritized items...
The Academic Standards Review Commission (ASRC), charged with reviewing the North Carolina’s adopted academic standards (the Common Core), needs your input. The Department of Public Instruction has launched an online survey to collect community feedback on the...
On February 5, the NC Department of Public Instruction released the new school report cards. The report cards are new because they feature a letter grade for each school. The letter grade is known as the School Performance Grade, and it is determined by a formula that...