2015-2016 Bell Schedule Changes Proposed

At the Board of Education work session on Tuesday, staff presented proposed bell schedule changes for the 2015-2016 school year. Bell schedules were proposed for the three new schools.  Abbotts Creek Elementary and Scotts Ridge Elementary will both operate on the...

Focus on East Wake Schools Moves Forward

As a former educator, there is nothing quieter to me than a school hallway at night. Maybe it’s the contrast to the volume of life and activity found there during the day. Wednesday night, the hallways at East Wake High were just that quiet.  But behind the door to...

The End of EOGs and EOCs?

The NC State Board of Education’s Task Force on Summative Assessment met on March 13, 2015. At this meeting, the task force presented a draft framework of assessment that included two models. The first model, for grades three through eight, eliminates NC End-of-Grade...

WCPSS Meets with Wake Commissioners on Budget Priorities

On Monday, a county commissioner work session on budget priorities featured Supt. Jim Merrill and Chief Business Officer David Neter, and school board chair Christine Kushner. They shared information on priorities the school board and school system are considering for...

BOE Supports Calendar Flexibility

Expect the Board of Education to support bills providing additional calendar flexibility. Numerous bill have been introduced that seek greater flexibility for school systems to set school calendars.  Many are local bills that apply to specific counties.  House Bill...