Beyond the Bucks: What Matters Most to Teachers

We hope you’ll join us next Thursday for “Beyond the Bucks: What Matters Most to Teachers” next Thursday, May 28th at 8:00a.m., co-hosted by WakeEd Partnership and the Greater Raleigh Chamber of Commerce. This year’s program will focus on teacher recruitment,...

The Cost of Construction Growth

Johnny Carson often used a classic setup for jokes. He would open with, “Boy, was it hot today!” Then he would wait for the audience to respond with, “How hot was it?”  Then he would deliver the punchline by starting with, “It was so hot…” It was a dark humor that had...

Where Are They Now? Education Bills Edition

The last week of April featured the all-important legislative crossover deadline. WakeEd has been following several bills that address drivers education funding, teacher pay, financial flexibility, and calendar flexibility.  We thought a review of how these bills have...

No NC Final Exams for WCPSS

At their May 6 meeting, the North Carolina State Board of Education approved a waiver that allows WCPSS to not administer NC Final Exams at the end of this school year. NC Final Exams are administered in courses that do not have a state end-of-grade or end-of-course...

Wake County Board of Education Adopts Budget

The Wake County Board of Education adopted a budget for the 2015-2016 school year. It is the same budget as previously proposed by Supt. Merrill. The $1.4 billion budget includes a local funding request increase of $48.3 million.  The increase requested funds growth...

What’s NOT in the Superintendent’s Proposed Budget

Much has been made over what items are included in the Superintendent’s proposed budget.  Little has been made over items not included. Some of these items can be found on page 14 of the budget document titled “Deferred Needs.”  They include items like, “Technology...