In Context

WakeEd’s In Context newsletter is a monthly deep-dive into education issues impacting the Wake County Public School System.

A new report titled, “The Economic Impact the Wake County Public School System” released by WakeEd Partnership and Wake County Public School System, in collaboration with NC State University, assesses the value-add of the state’s largest school district to its region, and the results are good for taxpayers and WCPSS graduates alike.

Finding the Right Formula for A Useful School Performance Report

Finding the Right Formula for A Useful School Performance Report

What, really, is the point of a school performance report? This is the question that hasn’t been answered in the discussion about school accountability. Is it to measure the teaching quality so parents know if their child’s school is really a good school? Or is it a...

Moving On

Two years ago (almost exactly), I began writing In Context.  It has been my pleasure to explore our local, state, and national education story with you.  Almost always there is a “rest of the story” behind decisions and headlines.  We believe knowing that story helps...

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Purposeful Choice

The Board of Education gave first round approval to changes regarding student transfer policies Tuesday night. The changes have been recommended as part of a policy migration and updating process.  Changes include a new numbering system.  For example, Student...

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Dirt Roads in Wake County

The Board of Education Work Session on Tuesday was a half hour update on the progress of public infrastructure required for the construction of Bryan Road Elementary School (E31). Eight years ago, WCPSS purchased a 50-acre site on Bryan Road south of Garner for future...

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Real Returns on Investments: Dollars and Jobs

Back in December, WakeEd and WCPSS released an Economic Impact Report for the Wake County Public School System.  The report found “large and significant” positive impacts on the local economy. Tax dollars invested in educating our students are not just dollars that...

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Student Growth Projections Shift Downward

The Wake County Public School System updated its projections for student enrollment growth this week.  The new figures shift enrollment projections down by approximately 1,000 students each year. Enrollment projections are foundational to understanding the district’s...

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Every Student Succeeds Act

On December 10, President Obama signed into law the Every Student Achieves Act (ESSA), a reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA).  The Every Student Achieves Act replaces No Child Left Behind (NCLB).  It passed into law with overwhelming...

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Coming Soon: Achievement School District Conversation

It still feels like late September outside these days.  So it won’t be very hard to harken back to the late September rush to finish up the legislative session.  Those days, people were paying attention to budget negotiations. But other work was going on as well,...

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WCPSS Leads Nation in NBPTS Teachers

In schools across the US, the days and weeks leading up to Thanksgiving is special.  Yes – there’s a long weekend ahead.  It’s also notification time for teachers who have undertaken the National Board Certification (NBC) process. This fall, 48 WCPSS teachers received...

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 WakeEd Partnership

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  Raleigh, NC 27609 | (919) 821-7609

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3101 Industrial Drive, Suite 100

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