In Context

WakeEd’s In Context newsletter is a monthly deep-dive into education issues impacting the Wake County Public School System.

A new report titled, “The Economic Impact the Wake County Public School System” released by WakeEd Partnership and Wake County Public School System, in collaboration with NC State University, assesses the value-add of the state’s largest school district to its region, and the results are good for taxpayers and WCPSS graduates alike.

WCPSS Staff, Board Revising Policy Manual

WCPSS Staff, Board Revising Policy Manual

Some of the most important work going on within Wake County Public School System isn’t happening the classroom. The WCPSS School Board and school system staff are working on a major project to update the system’s policy manual - a document which formalizes the...

Vision 2020 Strategic Plan Enters New Phase

Vision 2020 Strategic Plan Enters New Phase

Wake County Public School System is undergoing a systemic change. That was the message from Vision 2020 Strategic Plan Co-Chairs Karen Hamilton and Beth Hodge to the WCPSS School Board at a recent work session. That change is coming in every area of operation and...

WakeEd Endorses Transit Bond Referendum Nov. 8

WakeEd Endorses Transit Bond Referendum Nov. 8

It may seem a bit unusual that a non-profit focused solely on educational issues has an interest in regional transportation needs, but transit is, in fact, an education issue. That’s why WakeEd supports the transit referendum on the Nov. 8 ballot and urges our...

It’s Complicated

There is one additional issue about which WakeEd has great concern and interest. Teacher Assistants The teacher assistant issue is complex.  There are not many gold-standard research studies devoted to the academic outcomes associated with the presence of a teaching...

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A Few Specifics

As the momentum builds during budget negotiations, WakeEd wanted to share with you where we stand on several state budget items. A comparison of the three proposed budgets are provided below.  We’ve highlighted the budget approach that WakeEd supports for each of...

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And We’re Off…

Tuesday, July 7 was the first day of school for almost forty elementary and middle schools in the Wake County Public School System. And on Tuesday, July 7, WCPSS was operating on an interim budget because the North Carolina General Assembly has not finalized a budget...

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WAKE Up and Read Receives Pacesetter Award

You may remember the calls for book donations earlier this spring.  Those were a part of WAKE Up and Read’s second annual book drive. WAKE Up & Read exceeded their goal and collected well over 100,000 books at 150 collection sites around Wake County.  They...

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Inside a Budget Crunch – Protect or Innovate?

When the Senate’s budget was announced this week, comparisons to the House budget were immediate.  The results of those comparisons were staggering. And WCPSS find itself in a familiar yet uncomfortable decision point. The Senate budget reduces teaching assistants by...

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House v. Senate: Budget Battle Set to Begin

At the Board of Education meeting this past Tuesday, Chief Finance Officer David Neter walked the school board through the implications of the proposed House and Senate budgets and calmly explained the ramifications of each for the Wake County Public School System....

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All about the Hamiltons: Drivers Education Fee Rises $10

On Tuesday evening, the WCPSS Board of Education voted to raise the fee charged to students taking Driver Education from $55 to $65.  The fee offsets the cost of Driver Education, and the $10 fee adjustment is allowed by state law (Senate Bill 744). At risk in the...

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Collaborative Learning Spaces

When the Facilities Committee of the Board of Education met on May 27, one of the items presented was the schematic design of Bryan Road Elementary. In particular, the committee considered a revision of the school design to include 3,600 square feet of collaborative...

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 WakeEd Partnership

  3101 Industrial Drive, Suite 100

  Raleigh, NC 27609 | (919) 821-7609

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WakeEd Partnership

3101 Industrial Drive, Suite 100

Raleigh, NC 27609 | (919) 821-7609