WakeEd’s New Partners Read Program

Read with a child from birth to the first day of kindergarten to create more than 130 hours of vocabulary development. Read 30-minutes per day and a child digests 900 hours of “brain food.” That equals a one-month head start compared to students who receive only...

Why First Citizens Bank Invests in WakeEd

Timing is everything!  This has become such a familiar catch phrase that it’s sometimes easy to miss the real message.  Many people consider it to be a reference to “luck” or to “being in the right place at the right time.”  I prefer to think of this phrase as a...

Preparing for SummerSTEM

Without teachers there would be no other professions. Teachers are tasked with guiding students to see beyond their current status to future careers.  The paradox for many K-12 educators is that they will prepare hundreds of students for various careers, while their...

How World Café is Changing Schools

Five months ago, more than 100 businesses and educators gathered in a cafeteria to have a conversation. The official name for the event was the STEM and Global Studies World Café, sponsored by Biogen. The partnerships that came from the event have caused educators and...

Why PwC Invests in WakeEd

I have been very fortunate to be part of the WakeEd Partnership over the past seven years, first as a volunteer and now as a member of the board. Providing opportunities in education is a true passion of mine as well as our partners and staff at PwC. In the past year,...