| Newsletter, Partners Read
Read with a child from birth to the first day of kindergarten to create more than 130 hours of vocabulary development. Read 30-minutes per day and a child digests 900 hours of “brain food.” That equals a one-month head start compared to students who receive only...
| Newsletter, Teacher Innovation Grants
“We are asking for this grant to develop an outdoor, wheelchair-accessible, raised garden to expand the children’s knowledge of plants and earth materials.” That’s how North Forest Pines Elementary School special education teacher Rita Vermeulen started her request...
| Meet The Investors, Newsletter
I have been very fortunate to be part of the WakeEd Partnership over the past seven years, first as a volunteer and now as a member of the board. Providing opportunities in education is a true passion of mine as well as our partners and staff at PwC. In the past year,...