Why is SummerSTEM Important for Beginning Teachers?

By Elise Saenger-Heyl

How is SummerSTEM helpful to a beginning teacher? This is a question that I am seeking to answer this week as I am fortunate enough to fully participate in SummerSTEM. The biggest takeaway I have realized so far has been the incredible opportunity for me as a beginning teacher to connect with so many other teachers in my field.

Beyond simply meeting and connecting with this group of passionate educators, I also have an extensive wealth of knowledge available to me. These educators come from a variety of schools and experiences and all are eager to make the best learning opportunities for their students. This has been a benefit to me as I learn alongside them and hear about their experiences.

The content being taught was integrated in my methods classes in college, but there is great benefit in hearing how these educators have applied this knowledge in their classroom. As I seek to build my own skills, I am learning more about how to develop projects into project-based learning units and incorporate content from the corporate world. I look forward to implementing this knowledge in my classroom!

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