Wake Education Partnership Held Its First Meeting on March 16, 1983  

RALEIGH, N.C. — WakeEd Partnership, a business-backed nonprofit organization committed to supporting teachers and students in Wake County Public Schools, is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year. WakeEd Partnership initially founded as the Wake Education Foundation, held its first meeting on March 16, 1983. WakeEd Partnership continues today as a leading nonprofit in the Triangle bringing business and the community together to support the teachers, students, and families of the Wake County Public School System (WCPSS).  

“I’m honored to help continue four decades of business engagement and leadership through WakeEd Partnership to support the needs of our schools and to prepare students for all the workforce opportunities that lie ahead,” said Dr. Seth Carruthers, Director of Global Chemical Technology, Parker LORD and current Board Chairman, WakeEd Partnership. “As a WCPSS graduate myself, I believe businesses ought to engage and support our public schools because they are both the source of our future workforce and one of the primary reasons Wake County is one of the very best places to live, work, and do business!”   

“We’re extremely proud of our 40-year track record of supporting the teachers, students, and families of Wake County Public Schools and advocating for excellent education opportunities for every student,” said Keith Poston, President, WakeEd Partnership. “Over the years, our programs and initiatives have evolved to meet the needs of Wake County Schools, whether it’s new professional development opportunities for teachers, career-focused initiatives for students, or engaging the community about the direction of Wake County Public Schools, we have adapted and grown to meet critical needs here in the largest school district in North Carolina.”  

The first chairman of then Wake Education Foundation was Walter L. Brown, Jr., a senior executive with Hudson Belk Company and a former member of the Raleigh City Board of Education. The very first project was a student talent show held the week before its first meeting called “Pieces of Gold.” The event began as a dinner to raise money for teacher grants for special classroom projects. Pieces of Gold has become a signature event for the Wake County Public Schools, a glittery talent showcase for Wake students held each spring at Raleigh Memorial Auditorium. Pieces of Gold also marked its 40th anniversary this month.   

WakeEd Partnership will be celebrating its 40 birthday all year, capped off with its annual Stars of Education gala on October 12, 2023, at the Raleigh Convention Center. WakeEd will be highlighting its 40 years of supporting Wake County Public Schools during a series of events and initiatives including:  

About WakeEd Partnership   

Celebrating its 40th Anniversary in 2023, WakeEd Partnership (WakeEd) is a leading independent nonprofit backed by business and community leaders to support the teachers, students, and families of Wake County Public Schools. Since 1983, WakeEd has been committed to improving public education and advocating for excellent educational opportunities for all students. For more information, please visit www.wakeed.org 

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