By Elizabeth Propp | Lincoln Heights Elementary School

I want to thank you and WakeEd Partnership for the continued support of my classroom and Lincoln Heights. The “Weather and Me” and “Cultural Recipe Book” Teacher Innovation Grants provided my kids with an opportunity to learn in innovative ways and expand their knowledge beyond the four walls of our classroom. There are so many stories I would love to share with you about the impact these projects have had on my students. There are things as simple as a field trip to Raleigh and watching a student ride an escalator for the very first time. He was so excited. There is another student who has had difficulty with motivation. He loved the weather project so much that he started independently researching weather topics and bringing this information to the classroom to share with other students. He wants to be a meteorologist now! He asked me to help him find the steps to achieve this goal. My amazing kid is now motivated to graduate and go to college! He will be the first person is his family to go to college.

The grants you have awarded my classroom are so much more than money. These grants are an opportunity to change a child’s life. I cannot thank you enough for the positive impact you have had on my kids and on me as an educator. The legacy of WakeEd and your passion for the students of Wake County will live on forever in the hearts of the kids who you have empowered through the Teacher Innovation Grants.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


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