By Elizabeth Propp | CCR Teacher, Lincoln Heights Elementary School

With the help of WakeEd partnership, my classroom has embarked on a journey to develop multicultural awareness skills and discover the history of our families through our Cultural Recipe Project. Our project started with a trip to the NC Cultural Festival where students learned about cultural traditions from around the world. The played games, talked to immigrants from all over, tried new foods, and witnessed in the swearing in of over 500 new American citizens.

As our project progresses students are developing a family tree, interviewing relatives, presenting information about their cultural backgrounds, and sharing a recipe that is traditional to their heritage. This hands on approach to learning has allowed our classroom to learn about their peers, has created a respect for our differences, has uncovered our similarities, and has encouraged families to be involved in their student’s learning. We are very excited to continue our work and cannot wait to share our knowledge with our school and community!


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